As in Cadbury's Chocolate Flake. I can get pretty snobby, or shall we say particular, about chocolate. I look for single origin chocolate. I love gourmet chocolate shops, such as Sisko . And seriously, with the chocolate from Sisko, one piece of chocolate orb , such as their Fleur De Sel, is so satisfying that I am happy with one piece. Not because it is so rich, or so sweet, or so anything except so divine that you have no choice/want/need/inclination but to savour it and it alone. I will not eat this chocolate anywhere except on my own and with no distractions for at least 10 minutes on either side of consumption. The perfect treat after that 2am feed. This is opposed to a BLOCK of Cadbury's that I can devour in one sitting (and still appreciate it, of course) on the go, in the car, while I'm walking quickly to a screaming baby demanding her next feed. It's an anywhere chocolate. So, while I can be particular about chocolate, I still crave th...