A long story short... On Sunday we delivered a beautiful baby girl. A truly unbelievable labour as in "too easy!!!" However, to make up for the easy labour and also the fact that Baby M was premature and not fully cooked, she went to the Special Care Nursery and into an incubator. We did manage a good cuddle before Baby M was whisked off. The following days were quite surreal. I had given birth, but where was the baby, the nappy changes, the feeding, the sleepless nights, the newborn cuddles? The good with the bad, really. I had the best sleep that I have had in ages (since the pregnancy started!). I skipped that tar-like poo clean up. But I had no baby to hold - and did Baby M know me? Could she know me through the touch of my hands alone? And so, it was a waiting game. Baby M was there with us and we were there with her, just not together with that plastic bubble around her. A bit of a slow start, but she started to...