So I’ve been living the capsule wardrobe for a couple of months now. I’m working my way through Summer and I’m starting to think of Autumn. Actually, I started thinking about all of the seasons back when I committed to giving the capsule wardrobe a go for a whole month. And how has it been? In one word, and I’ve used it before, liberating. I don’t feel constrained with shopping for the latest look. I don’t feel constrained with the type of look I’m going for. I don’t feel constrained in presenting the right image. I just choose – business or casual, shaved legs or not. It hasn’t been a quick process. Creating a capsule requires a lot of planning and focus. And a lot of compromises and decisions, especially in the beginning. But, as I settled into a capsule wardrobe, both in building it and using it, I had fun. Firstly – in the planning. What piece/s of clothing do I need? How am I going to...
Simplify; create; beautify. Enjoy!