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Showing posts from December, 2010

Happy Birthday M!

For Little Miss M's cousin, all the way from across the world, to celebrate her birthday and Christmas and New Year and Baptism with us - what a whirlwind 4 weeks for one so young. To start the string of celebrations, here is Cousin M's birthday cake - a "some bits vanilla and some bits chocolate" teddy bear cake.  Let me tell you - I've made a wedding cake before and this was soooooo much more difficult. It went from this... To this... P.S That writing was done using melted chocolate, a toothpick and baking paper.  Happy Birthday Cousin M!!!  And congratulations to your momma and dad for making it through the first year with their sanity intact.  Love you J and V!

Gearing up

Christmas is just around the corner and, this year in particular, I am in full swing with Christmas cheer.  I don't mind Christmas; I'm not a scrooge.  I normally just accept that it's that time of the year rather than anticipating "that time of the year".  But this year, I'm anticipating it more than just accepting it.  Part of it would be because Little Miss M is grasping the Christmas concept and I enjoy watching her enjoy life (that was a mouthful).   Anyway, my Dear Husband has happily gone along with my swing of mood regarding Christmas and has been helping me with the Christmas preparations.  Here's his contribution so far... I'm so proud of his work.  I can only show part of it as it might form part of your present!!!!

Back to normal

And with a vengeance... After a hard haul for a couple of weeks, and some time to recover from that, we have our life back (mostly!).  Home is still a mess, but I can now see parts of the floor.  Fridge needs to be cleaned out and restocked.  Laundry needs to be washed and folded and put away (funny how that last bit seems to be the hardest for me).  But we're getting there. AND we had a restful and productive weekend!! A few weeks ago, my material arrived at my doorstep.  Little Miss M knew that I was planning to make her a dress and this is how the progress has morphed along over the weeks. I had to sew the ends to stop it fraying too much as Little Miss M refused to part with the material. And then she wanted to actually wear it out.  At this point, it's still a swath of square material.  Yes, we walked out of the house looking like this (with shoes and socks as well!!!) And finally, I had a chance to cut it out and (much later) sew it toge...

Summer Rain

It's been a long time between posts.  To all of my work mates - great work.  I'm glad to be part of the team that pulls together like you all have in times of "crisis". On this side of my world, well it's been on halt.  Cooking, cleaning, crafting, mothering.  Dear Husband has been a single parent for a couple of weeks now.  Thanks, love, I owe you!!! However, you would think that after two weeks of intense parenting, Dear Husband would learn a lot about a toddler's expectations.  Don't mention a treat unless it's a bribe and can be given in less than two minutes.  Don't mention the playground unless you're planning to leave for it in less than two minutes.  And don't mention "puddles" unless you're willing to follow through with the splashing consequences. So, in the middle of a flash flood Summer thunderstorm, I call out Dear Husband to help us get from car to home as quickly as possible.  First thing Dear Husband says to...