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What can you do?

All at the dinner table.  Little Miss M banging her spoon and not eating.
"Please stop that, Darling.  Please stop banging the spoon on the table."
Spoon continued to bang.
"Sweetheart, please stop that.  It's too loud and you're making a mess".
Spoon continued to bang.
"Sweetie, enough, please"
Spoon continued to bang.
"Oh, for goodness sake, are you listening to me?!?"
"No mama"
"Oh, ok.  Well, when you're ready to listen, tell me"
A few (quiet) seconds later.
"I'm ready to listen now."
"Ok.  Please stop banging on the table with your spoon."
"Ok mama"
A few seconds later... Little Miss M starts to bang her hands on the table... *sigh*...  At least she stopped with the spoon.


What can I do?  Enjoy it while it lasts :)


  1. I know this one all too well :) Lots of deep breaths required.


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