We've moved a lot over the years, both with kids and without. I don't mind it, really. However, I always feel the tension when the first Summer and Winter rolls around. I just don't know what these seasons will bring to our new abode. And in this new place, Winter brought a corker! Mould and condensation! I have never had to deal with this before. Mould now ranks up there with bugs - I can't stand it and it makes me crazy. I don't know, I think it makes me feel dirty. Anyway, it hasn't been all fertiliser. There's been a few roses along the way. A spot of knitting anyone? My year long project - meant for the older cousin but finished in time to fit the younger one Woollen jumper getting its second lease in life A little something to keep the little one warm How do you find settling into a new home?
Simplify; create; beautify. Enjoy!